Thursday, May 14, 2020

Do Women Experience More Occupation Stress Than Men

Running Head: Stress Management Do working women experience more occupational stress than men or just more occupational stressors? [Name of the writer] [Name of the institution] Executive Summary Examines the sources of stress affiliated with male and female retail managers, a part identified as being hectic and where women are more likely than in other occupational parts to be managers. Self-completed questionnaires were circulated to males and females at various grades of retail management. The outcome verified the two study hypotheses: male and female managers described alike job stresses, in specific from â€Å"work overload†, â€Å"time pressures and deadlines†, â€Å"staff shortages and turnover rates† and â€Å"long employed hours†.†¦show more content†¦(2) feminine retail managers will report added stresses in relation to their occupations than their male counterparts. Literature Review Women, work and stress Much of the preceding study analyzing sex differences and degrees of job tension has demonstrated that numerous of the pressures females bear can be inextricably connected to the traditional roles ascribed to males and females. organising, supervising and controlling persons are components found to significantly affect male managers (Davidson and Cooper, 1983) and contemplate their senior place in the occupational hierarchy while need of influence (Brass, 1985), need of power and assets, and need of engagement and participation (Terborg, 1985) are stresses described by females and demonstrate their relative place vis-à  -vis male managers in the occupational hierarchy. preceding study has shown that female managers bear from role conflict and role ambiguity (Terborg, 1985), which brings with it force felt from tokenism (Rosen, 1982; Davidson and Cooper, 1983; Offermann and Armitage, 1993) isolation (Nelson and Quick, 1985; Davidson and Cooper, 1985) and not feeling completely accept ed by their gazes (Kanter, 1977). The lack of feminine function forms (Davidson and Cooper, 1983, 1985; Terborg, 1985), the need to prove themselves (Davidson and Cooper, 1983) or to emulate the male function (Clark et al., 1996) are supplemented pressures discovered to be associated with feminine managers, and can be attributed toShow MoreRelatedEssay on Stress and Gender Differences1710 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: Stress is a phenomenon that is experienced worldwide. It â€Å"has become a pervasive experience in the daily lives of Canadians† (McShane Steen, 2009, p. 90) with three out of four Canadians claiming to feel stress either frequently or sometimes (McShane Steen, 2009, p. 90). There are many coping strategies available to personnel but stress levels remain high. 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